It can be challenging to get a job that fits around your life commitments. We know that 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday does not be suitable everyone. In fact, statistics show that the number of people working over 45 hours a week is in decline. It is common for people to want to work hours which fit around personal factors including childcare.
If you’re looking for a part time job in Horsham what are some common sectors to find flexible work and how can AllHorshamJobs help you find a part time job in Horsham?
Part time jobs in Horsham are available in all sectors but experience has shown that certain sectors frequently have a greater number of flexible roles than others, particularly when you are looking for a part time job with little experience needed. Here are some sectors that we recommend you make your first port of call:
It is not unusual for employees to require flexible customer service workers. One specific area often looking to employ part time staff is telesales so if you possess an excellent telephone manner, are good with people or are happy to do cold calling then you could be able to find a suitable part time job in Horsham in our Customer Services and Telesales sector.
Smaller companies in particular occasionally need a part time administrator to cover their administration. More substantial companies sometimes also want a part time administrator to job share. This could involve working 2 or 3 complete days a week or a number of hours each day. So if you are organised with decent computer literacy you might want to think about a part time administration job in Horsham.
Shops and supermarkets often have a range of flexible part time jobs available. As they are often open longer than ‘9 to 5’ and on the weekend you will find hours that will fit with your commitments. So if you have great customer service abilities and enjoy working with the public then check our Retail sector for the latest jobs.
Do not forget to try Horsham District Council / West Sussex County Council as they commonly have flexible part time jobs in a large varied array of areas.
By registering with us you will receive daily email updates of all the latest jobs in the correct sectors for you. All part time jobs in Horsham we advertise will also be located in our Part Time Jobs dedicated section.
We work with experts in and around our local area to provide useful information relating to careers advice - we hope you will find these articles to be helpful. You can view our news news archive here
Once your redundancy is dealt with and any retraining has been undertaken you will probably need to find a new job. This can seem daunting, particularly if you have not had to look for a new
read moreWhen we hear the word 'redundancy' it is natural to think of the impact that it will have on the person being made redundant with out regard for the difficulties inflicted upon the employer
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read moreDo you feel like you’ve lost your identity and can’t stop feeling negative? It is not only the practicalities of redundancy that need to be addressed. Redundancy can also have a massive
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<font face="Arial, sans-serif"><font size="2">With so many job seekers applying for any one job in today's economic climate, it's good to have an understanding of what happens to your application once you've pressed the 'send' button.</font></font> more
John Lewis recently revealed plans to open a new home store in Horsham, West Sussex. The new store could potentially be opened by 2015. If all goes ahead successfully, the store will be adjacent to the current Waitrose in the more
Horsham council has been working with JobCentre plus across the district to get many young people into work experience placements. They have recently celebrated their 100th placement, through the help of Age UK Horsham, who more
Recent reports suggest hundreds fewer people are claiming Jobseekers in the Horsham area. The levels of Jobseekers have dropped, and Horsham has one of the lowest unemployment rates across the whole of Sussex. In the region, more
According to the latest government statistics – hundreds more people have found jobs in Horsham since February and therefore fewer people in the district are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). more
Tax centre jobs under threat in Horsham
What not to do in your Horsham job interview
Top 4 questions asked at job interviews for Horsham job seekers
Interview Tips to help you get that perfect job in Horsham
The Recruitment Process to Fill your Horsham Job
How can you find the right Horsham job for you?
What is different about looking for jobs today in Horsham compared to 10 years ago
Covering Letter hints and tips for when applying for jobs in Horsham
Looking for a second job in Horsham?
Central Sussex College / Northbrook College
Information on local newspapers covering Horsham
Example CV for people applying for jobs in Horsham